February 15, 2025

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The beer I wish I was drinking on Christmas Eve

tumblr_n6cxlaUojT1s06it9o1_1280So this beer exists. It is a craft beer, by a home brewer named Kvålity Bryggeri (Quality Brewery?) established in 2013 according to the label. I think this was made in Denmark but I’m not sure. The picture was taken by Bardasbarg on tumblr.

Now how good woud it be to share a case of these with friends and family on Christmas Eve? That would be one helluva stocking stuffer! If anyone has more information on these beers and who brewed them please let us know at: mark@heman.org

MOTU minis subs now in limbo

MinisThe Matty Collector subscription for the MOTU minis fell far short of its November 25th goal, and was only at 40% a few hours from closing. At this point fans have been left to speculate as to whether the goal will be waved and Mattel will attempt to make up the difference by making “day of” sales outside of subs.

The alternative is to cancel the line and absorb the cost of the molds and design / sculpting that went into making the promotional prototypes. Until we get an announcement from Matty Collector these little guys stay in limbo.

Sorceress Statue pose revealed

pcs_sorceress_teaser_full[1]Coming soon from Jerry Macaluso and the rest of the team at Pop Culture Shock (PCS) is The Sorceress. Jerry just revealed in the PCS newsletter, the pose that PCS has chosen and it’s awesome. The base is made up of some curious looking skull ornaments. These are pictured inside Greyskull in the Filmation cartoon though they aren’t iconic by any stretch.

Given that it’d be impractical to make the Greyskul  l throne the base (just far too large) it seems that PCS did their homework and selected these guys instead.

This looks like a wonderful sculpt. As usual the PCS statues are done in Premium Format at 1:4 scale.


Teela’s Quest – episode commentary with James Eatock

teelas_questThe latest episode commentary from the official He-Man channel by James “Bustatoons” Eatock is on the highly rated “Teela’s Quest” which explores the relationship between Teela and her mother the Sorceress.

As usual, we get treated to a lot of great behind the scenes information. Rewatch this great episode with Eatock as your cartoon tour guide.